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The purpose of our newsletter is to keep you informed about what is happening in our classroom. I will send home a CLASSROOM NEWSLETTER on FRIDAY of each week. This will let you know what we are doing in class and give you updates on upcoming events. Attached to the back of the newsletter will be the HOMEWORK CHART for the week. This chart will include our weekly spelling words, word wall words, and our reading log.

Homework Policy

Homework Chart...

You will find the weekly spelling words, the weekly word wall words, and a  reading log. The due date is always  listed at the top.

Reading log...

Students are required to read for at least 15 minutes five times a week. This should be your child doing the actual reading. If you would like to read TO your child, please do so in addition to the 15 required minutes.

Math Home Links...

Math home links will be sent home 3-4 times a week and are due the following school day.

Weekly Comprehension & Spelling Homework...

These are sent home on Monday and due by Friday of the same week.

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